immersion and transduction
epistemology and method

The feeling of comfortableness and focus within cafes do not come down to a specific science, and it is preferred by certain individuals not all. Looking into the personal experiences of students and workers coming into cafes to work to observe the specifics that help in creating the right environment for peaks of productivity helps get an idea of what works and what does not.

Sound and the overall atmosphere brought about by present sound in coffee shops are the major part of why this type of location is so effective in boosting an individual's sense of productiveness.

By observing the different sounds and music heard in the background by someone taking presence inside the cafe, there can be more understanding into why this setting helps with study and work focus.
"In contrast to the long-prevailing formulation, the chemical sublime does not quell spectacular material threats with the transcedence of immaterial reason, thereby affirming human distinction and existing social orders."

- Shapiro, N. Attuning to the Chemosphere
suggest that hearing cultures... can be sharpened
by sounding out concretions of this infrastructure, pressing
us as ethnographers toward discernments of material and
semiotic relationships often washed out of attention by the
all-encompassing idiom of immersion."

- Helmreich, S. An Anthropologist Underwater
Let's look into the concepts being used to help create this ethnographic experience